Saturday 27 August 2011

How to cook steak

!±8± How to cook steak

Sirloin steak (steak or round), the cut of meat is, literally, from the rump of the cow. If you guessed that this would probably be a tough piece of meat, you'd be right. On the other hand, is very tasty.

The question is how we can cook some of this hard - or at least avoid further hardness by drying out - so that we can enjoy the taste of steak?

A good way to cook steak is to fry or grill. A better way is to marinate the first,then fried or grilled. Here I give you a recipe for each method:

Grilled steak


4 thin-cut steaks

1 / 4 cup butter


1 butter in a skillet until very hot. Add steaks (cook one or two at a time, depending on size of pan).

2 Turn meat frequently while cooking for 8 to 10 minutes.

3 steaks quickly, while still quite warm.

Grilled marinated beef steak


4 thin cut of the trunkSteaks

1 / 2 cup red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon)

2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1 tablespoon soy sauce

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 teaspoons canola oil or other cooking oil


1 place steaks in a large skillet low (only non-corrosive!)

2 Mix the wine, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and garlic. Pour over steaks.

3 Cover with plastic wrap and set. Chill for at least 4 hours and preferablyNight.

4 Heat the oil in a skillet until very hot.

5 Grill the steaks for 3-5 minutes per side depending on thickness. Add some 'of the liquid remaining marinade from the pan and boil before removing from heat.

6 Serve the steaks back quickly, while still quite warm.

How to cook steak

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Friday 12 August 2011

How to give your partner a prostate massage

!±8± How to give your partner a prostate massage

Prostate massage is performed at regular intervals can be used as a preventative treatment against prostate cancer. It is good for prostate health in general and the risk of prostate enlargement by reducing - ie, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Prostate massage is also a form of sexual play. Whatever the reason may be, we say we want to do prostate massage on your husband or partner. Here's how.

First make sure that goodwith a prostate massage. Let them know the procedure so that he understands what will happen. If he seems comfortable with it, then you can go ahead with it.

Keep nails clean and trim. If necessary, had frayed edges.

Ask your partner to urinate or stool to do before a massage. It 'important that he should be as relaxed as possible. You may want to try a relaxation technique as well.

Clean your hands, use a sterile latex glove, and dab a little 'Water-based lubricant on the tip of the fingers of the gloves. Then you slide your finger into his anus. Gently push and against the rectal mucosa at the front. Move your fingers in about the direction of his navel.

You should not drive too far, just a little 'more than an inch - about 3 inches. Then touch the prostate, a small round bulb of tissue about the size of a large walnut. Give it a gentle massage by rubbing gently along the sides. Dono strong pressure on the central part of the gland, because this is where some sensitive nerves are located. Do not touch the prostate gland with your fingernails.

At some point, your partner may feel he wants to urinate, even if they must. That can be a bit 'confusing, but try to calm him down, and if he agrees, you can proceed.

Your partner is encouraged and may even ejaculate - but it's all right if ejaculation does not occur, because it is not always. Happen

And this is how to make your partner a prostate massage.

How to give your partner a prostate massage

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Tuesday 9 August 2011

Hairstyles for women over 60

!±8± Hairstyles for women over 60

What does Suzanne Somers, Julie Christie and Barbra Streisand all have in common? They are all over 60 and sexy. Tina Turner is timeless and beautiful. More than sixty is the new sexy. The women wear beautiful hair soft and makes them look younger.

The ancient history of the women cut their hair short, has finally had its day over forty. Gone are the old ideas of the face are short hair. A new age of beauty rising. They have the most updated hair that shines and moves. MoreHair gives the face a youthful look. It softens lines, while lending a shadow on the neck. More layers of hair to give the height and movement. Cutting hair at shoulder length or just above it is versatile.

It 'important to have a good cut. Find a hairdresser who cut their hair like you and give you a familiar look. A good stylist can match the look of today and adapt to the type of hair, face and body. Make your hair look and feel thicker with a volume-haircut. Keep your hair wellmaintained. Have regularly dominated.

Hair color when it is gray. Gray hair can be a double negative. You can make your skin pale and tired. It can be coarse and unruly. Hair color gray hair makes it more manageable. Studies have women and men feel better with the hair of natural color showed less depression. Keep your roots touched up. If you can not go to the hairdresser between two dates, there is very good hair color products on the market so you can doitself.
Learn how to dry and style. Nothing is more aging of an outdated hairstyle. Learn new ways to style and the tools to achieve it. Once you learn the basics, it only takes a few minutes to look good. Look at the timeless beauty for inspiration. They know that their hair as a style. Do not let hair to look good every day. You can style hair.

Experimenting with new products. There are products with thin hair thicknatural ingredients. Some of the new hair spray design are the workhorses of the products. You bet, raise, maintain and keep your hair soft and shiny. Stiff hair is not fashionable now and is very durable.

Judaysia has helped more often women, hair wider timeless. It 'the author of hairstyles for women over 60, your hair style and hair How to make you look younger and thinner. Their line of signature products are used by stylists and celebrities from around the world.

Hairstyles for women over 60

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Saturday 6 August 2011

How to know if he loves you - that is 4 Positive Signs Mad About You

!±8± How to know if he loves you - that is 4 Positive Signs Mad About You

They were in love with this guy for some real big ', and you think you have it. You want to let him know how you feel, but you do not want to look like an idiot. They wonder how to tell if he loves you? Well, here are four positive signs to look for.

1 seems to be alive, if he sees you. No matter when and where he is or what time of day, begins to talk and type stumbles all over himself to tell you everything that has happened since he was last seenThem. The more he talked, and becomes more animated. He seems to want to experience everything with him, so that his experience will be your experience.

2 It then turns to you and the same thing happens, it really does what they say and want to know every detail. It seems that love is all around you and do everything possible to make your time with him fun.

3 He wants to know everything about you. Their likes and dislikes. He asks, what are yourFlowers and candy favorites. Then the next night with two shows. He asks for your favorite movie and favorite book. It appears that you do not hear enough about, or find enough of you.

4 He brings to all his favorite venues, gives his friends and makes it quite clear that he sees as the two of you a few. Then he clarifies, you think he'd like to meet with friends. Next stop is great to meet her family.

If he does it allShow things, it is never too late for an appointment, and you pretty much get away from him, the end date, so you can get some sleep '- should not the question of how to know if he loves you ask. The boy is crazy about you.

How to know if he loves you - that is 4 Positive Signs Mad About You

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Friday 5 August 2011

Cramps during early pregnancy - Tips for reducing pain

!±8± Cramps during early pregnancy - Tips for reducing pain

Cramps during early pregnancy are something that happens to many women. Your body is changing, and always ready for your child to grow.

Many women are easier to cramps in the first weeks of pregnancy experience. In fact, I think many women find that they are always willing to start their time because they feel the abdominal cramps. This article will teach you how, because they have cramps in early pregnancy and when you go to the doctor.

The uterus is mainly composed of muscles and other surroundingThe tissues that expand and contract during pregnancy when it is time to allow the birth. These actions are triggered by hormones.

Some women may feel slight cramping when the fertilized egg in the uterine wall. This may already be 6-8 days after fertilization, however. There may be slight bleeding or "spotting" when the egg is implanted.
Another reason for cramping in early pregnancy is that hormones activate the uterineto expand in order to be ready for the growing child. These cramps can be uncomfortable and feel the cramps as much time. This is perfectly normal unless they are severe and are accompanied by serious bleeding. Cramps are most likely to occur after sexual activity or when the bladder is full.
The supporting ligaments around your uterus. As the uterus grows, the ligaments must expand to support it around. This can cause a sensation of cramping or a dull ache in the abdomen. You should gogoes away with rest. However, if the cramping is severe and is characterized by excessive bleeding, fever or other unusual symptoms, contact your doctor, you away.The are ways to treat cramps during early pregnancy to accompany. A good way to relieve cramps, it is through the application of heat. A block heater is working wonders for the abdomen cramps, but be careful not too hot. You can take paracetamol to relieve pain, if necessary. Sometimes this will help off of the cramps. But ibuprofen orother NSAIDs should not be used during pregnancy. Never take any medication, if allowed by your doctor.

Take care of yourself, keeping a lot of rest and proper nutrition. The change may slow down the digestive hormones in the body and make you constipated, which can lead to abdominal pain. If you think you can from constipation, increase your intake of fiber and water.

Finally, another way to relieve cramps in pregnancy is to abstain from sex. Sex does not hurt you or your childbut can lead to seizures and that some points. The combination of cramps and spotting one might think that with a miscarriage.

Cramps during early pregnancy are common. Cramps and mild should never be unbearable. However, if they are serious or are often on the one hand, and be accompanied by other unusual symptoms, tell your doctor immediately.

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Cramps during early pregnancy - Tips for reducing pain

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